Thursday, 22 September 2011

My Trip to Model Rail Live at Barrow Hill - Part 4

The Deltic Preservation Society Shed was the next visit where the majority of Model Railway Layouts were on show has well as the Model and Hornby Stands. But first it is the Deltic shed so we'll look at some deltics :-

D9009 "Alycidon" looking wonderful in the sunshine

D9015 receiving some seriously heavy repair and rebuild work

Before you say anything I know this is not a Deltic.  It is actually 37372 and has can be seen from the following photograph its in the process of becoming a donor (did it carry a Donor Card I wonder).  It will be modified to become a Baby Deltic, this reason was taken and planned due to the fact that there are none of the Baby Deltics in preservation. The following photograph shows the other side of 372 with the marked up body for the modifications that need are due to take place.
A lot of work but an interesting project to follow.  It will also require Class 20 bogies.  To follow this interesting project or donate visit the website Baby Deltic Project

D9008 Cab used to take around the shows to promote the Deltic Preservation Society's work

Deltic Engine

The Model Railway Layouts were next.  There was a good selection of all scales of Model Layouts and this is the list of visiting Layouts, some I'm not sure if I did get to see or maybe they were last minute withdrawals anyways:-

"Cuyahoga" Z Scale layout owned by Kevin Smith
"Dartmouth" 00 Gauge owned by Peter Midwinter
"Horsley Fields" N Gauge Society Layout
"Dixon Green" 32mm owned by Phil Thompson
"Peakdale" N Gauge owned by Lincoln & District Model Railway Club
"St Marnock Engine Shed" Live Steam 0 Gauge owned by Mike Bissett
"Deesdale Road" 00 Gauge owned by Andy Peters
"Warren Lane" 00 Gauge owned by Alan Bevan and Maggie Clark
"Outon Road" 00 Gauge owned by Cavan Millward
"Wingfield Junction" 00 Gauge owned by Wingfield MRG
"New Bryford" 00 Gauge owned by Mick Bryan and Peter Taylor
"Llywdd Town" 00 Gauge owned by George Woodcock
"Brewhouse Quay" 00 Gauge owned by Chris Nevard

I walked around the layout displays for a good part of my day waiting my turn to view, and revisiting my favourites over and over again.  Standing in awe for long periods of time staring at all the detail and admiring the modelling skills needed to create these layouts.  I've seen many of these layouts in articles in the various railway modelling magazines and on the Internet, and studied all the details for clues and ideas on how things are built, but never lucky enough to have seen this many up close and personal.  My thanks go out to these wonderful modellers for showing their work.  One bit of criticism I do have that a small number of the layouts the operators were well out of sight and seemed very uninterested in what was going on or not really caring if there was trains running or not but chattering away to themselves, I hasten to add this was only my own personal opinion and observation at the time of viewing, the majority were very helpful, keen and willing to answer any questions. Also on display were many many stands of goodies to buy, many great bargains and limited editions were on show, even though I did a lot of window shopping at these stalls I did have the misfortune to not have a healthy bank balance at the time of the visit so came home empty handed.  It was very difficult to photograph the layouts with the large amount of crowds and I did upset an operator on "Deesdale Road" quite rightly to by blinding him with my flashgun, I apologised profusely and apologise again here.  But taking much greater care after the incident I did manage the few following reasonable shots.

"Outon Road"

"Deesdale Road"


"Brewhouse Quay"


"New Bryford"

"New Bryford"

"Horseley Fields"

To Be Continued Part 5 coming shortly

My Collection of Railway Photographs Old and New

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